Informed Consent for SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga

Please take a moment to read this carefully. We highly value a positive group atmosphere built on respect and trust. It’s essential to understand that a mindfulness retreat is primarily a skills training program, not a therapy group. Since this training affects the mind, body, and brain, it’s crucial for both your well-being and ours that you are mindful of your physical and mental health. We kindly request that you provide all necessary information in the registration form, ensuring that it is as comprehensive as possible. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.  

At SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga, your well-being and safety are paramount to us. Our team is here to facilitate, and we kindly request that you take responsibility for monitoring your physical and emotional well-being during our events. By participating in any of our events, you agree to the following statements:

  • I am attending SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga, and its program voluntarily, assuming full responsibility for my physical and emotional well-being at all times.
  • I am in good emotional, mental, and physical health. I accept complete responsibility for all emotions I bring to any of the events.
  • I am not under the influence of drugs, medication, or alcohol. If I am taking medication, I have to inform SoHum Center organization in writing through the sign-up form. I declare that I will not discontinue medication treatment before, during, or after the retreat. I have consulted a medical practitioner who has advised that my participation in SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga, will not cause harm to myself or others.
  • I acknowledge that SoHum Center Event and the mindfulness-compassion-yoga program are not substitutes for psychiatric or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I will seek advice from qualified medical or mental health professionals for any medical or mental health concerns.
  • I take full responsibility for seeking medical treatment, counseling, or psychotherapy at my own expense for any emotional issues that arise during or after the event.
  • I understand that the retreat program involves skills training in meditation, positive psychology, compassion, mindfulness techniques, and yoga. If I feel unable or believe it is inadvisable to participate in any exercises, I may choose not to participate without holding SoHum Center or the trainers accountable for any negative consequences.
  • If I become distressed or emotionally overwhelmed during the event, I will inform one of the facilitators and, if necessary, leave the space.We are all here to learn and heal holistically together as a team, fostering an environment conducive to learning. To ensure constructive and meaningful outcomes from our events, I will collaborate with the group.
  • I commit to being honest and true to myself and others, maintaining a non-judgmental approach in comments and respecting my experiences, needs, and priorities, expecting the same in return.
  • I will express any concerns or issues related to the event, content, or processes to the team members rather than remaining silent or discussing them only with other participants.
  • I will keep confidential any personal feelings expressed by others during the event. I understand the importance of maintaining confidentiality and will not communicate or disclose, directly or indirectly, in writing or orally, any information shared by another group member during or after the event. I will always speak in the first person (“I” and “my”) during sharing experiences and discussions. I will use the information from this event for the purpose of creating positive change in my life and for no other reason, taking full responsibility for decisions and actions to implement such information, mentoring, or guidance.
  • I have informed SoHum Center and the team members in advance if I have specific dietary requirements. I understand that SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga, will not be liable for any adverse reactions to foods consumed.
  • I understand that others may capture videos and photos during our event and potentially share them on their social media platforms. If you are uncomfortable with this, please feel free to express your preferences and kindly request that they refrain from doing so.
  • I acknowledge that all videos and photos taken by the professional photographer at the event are their exclusive property and are protected by copyright.
  • Retreat Package and Insurance:
  • The package price for the entire retreat includes program tuition (classes and yoga) and accommodation for the full duration of the retreat. The price does not cover transportation to and from the retreat location or any travel insurance. As flights, trains, and car rentals are not included, I understand that I need to secure my personal travel insurance.
  • I acknowledge that SoHum Center Event/Beloved Yoga, and its facilitators and trainers cannot be held liable for any accidents, injuries, or damages of any kind that may occur during SoHum Center Event.

Should I have any questions, I can always contact:
WhatsApp: +17035772494
I have read, understood, and agreed to everything stated above and am enthusiastic about joining! 😊
